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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

AP G.O.MS.No. 122 Reorganization Act,2014-Transfer of certain Mandals to the residual State of AP from Khammam District of Telangana State-Filling of vacancies

AP G.O.MS.No. 122 Reorganization Act,2014-Transfer of certain Mandals to the residual State of AP from Khammam District of Telangana State-Filling of vacancies

A.P Reorganization Act,2014-Transfer of certain Mandals to the residual State of
Andhra Pradesh from Khammam District of Telangana State-Filling of vacancies-
Permission-Orders- Issued.


G.O.MS.No. 122 Dated:28-09-2015 

Read the following: 

  1. 1. Ref.No.A1/702/2014 dt.5-08-2015 of the Collector, E.G Dist. 
  2. 2. D.O Lr.No.2004/2014/A1 dt.6-08-2015 of Collector,W.G Dist. 


1. In the references first and second read above,the District Collectors ofEast
Godavari District and West Godavari District have informed that as per the
orders of the Government, the employees of Telangana local area working in the
seven merged mandals transferred from Khammam district were relieved to
report before the Telangana Government resultingin a number of vacancies, in
addition to the existing vacant posts. They have submitted a list of vacancies in
the merged Mandals (which have been annexed to this order as Annexure-I
&Annexure-II) and requested to accord permission to fillup the vacant posts to
strengthen the delivery of public services in these seven mandals.

2. The Government after careful examination of the matter,hereby accord
permission to fill the vacant posts in the merged Mandals of East Godavari and
West Godavari Districts in the following manner.

  1.  (1) Vacant posts of Office Subordinates,Record Assistants,Drivers of 
  2. roadworthy vehicles,Cook,Kamati,Watchperson through outsourcing or 
  3. contract basis,duly following the standing instructions of the government in 
  4. this regard duly adhering to the principles of merit, rule of reservation, etc. 
  6. (2) The DSC level posts are permitted to be filled by the District Selection 
  7. Committee following the existing procedure,with special attention to 
  8. reservation to local tribals, wherever applicable. 

(3) Posts that are to be filled by direct recruitment by APPSC or State level
body are permitted to be filled up by redeployment.

(4) For Posts like Agriculture Officer, Medical Officer, Paramedical staff,
Veterinary Asst. Surgeon and Veterinary Technical Staff,Deputy Surveyor of
Survey and Land Records department, Assistant Statistical Officer of Bureau
of Economics and Statistics,there is no scope of filling the posts by
promotion,the posts shall be filled up by redeployment from the other parts
of the Zone.

(5)Posts that belong to the Societies like DWMA,DRDA,SSAshall be filled by
contract/deputation/recruitment by respective society.
(6)The existing roster points are to be adopted for filling up the vacancies of
each category of posts.
3.Copy of this order is available on Internet and can be accessed at address