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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

GO MS No 330 TSPSC Direct Recruitment Exam Pattern and Syllabus

Public Services – Direct recruitment – Scheme of selection – Classification of categories of posts under various Groups and other services – scheme and pattern of examination – Orders - issued.

TSPSC Groups Posts Clasification exam pattern for direct recruitment syllabus

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  1. In the G.O. 1st read above, orders have been issued constituting PublicService Commission for the State of Telangana.
  1. The Secretary, Telangana State Public Service Commission in the reference 2nd read above, has informed that the existing scheme and syllabus of United Andhra Pradesh has to be changed as per the needs and requirements of new State of Telangana and therefore, the Commission has constituted an Experts Committee to study and make recommendations to review the present classification of Groups and other services; scheme and pattern of examination of posts comes under the purview of the Public Service Commission. The said committee has submitted its report and the same has been furnished along with the recommendations of the TSPSC for approval of the Government.
  2. In the G.O. 3rd read above, a Cabinet Sub-Committee has been constituted to examine and recommend on Scheme of Examinations for various posts to be filled by the Telangana State Public Service Commission by the method of direct recruitment, keeping in view the report of the Expert’s Committee and the recommendations of the TSPSC. The Cabinet Sub- Committee has submitted its report to Government.
  3. Keeping in view the recommendations made by Cabinet Sub-Committee,after careful examination of the matter, Government hereby issue the following classification of posts, scheme and pattern of examination for various categories of posts to be filled-up by direct recruitment through Telangana State Public Service Commission:-