As per Academic Calendar issued by Education Dept of Telangana Vide Rc 405 Foramative Assesment and Summative assesment schedule has been mentioned. Acordind to the academic Calendar teachers have to conduct Formative assesment I in July. Here providing Model question papers to teachers in Telangana as well as for AP. As per the instructions of Director of School Education Vide Proc.Rc 405 Dt 10.06.2015 the children perfomance of class to 8th under Formative Assesment-I should be recorded.Therefore The headmasters of Primary, Upper Primary and High Schools to record the children perfomance under FA-I and report the data. Here providing you the FA-I question papers for I-V and Smart Table for Grading
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Friday, July 31, 2015
CCE FA Model Question Papers for E/M and T/M and Smart Tables
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