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Friday, June 26, 2015

GO MS No 158 Sanction of Leaves to Muncipal teachers on par Govt/PR Teachers

Establishment-Municipal Teachers-Extension of benefit regarding sanction of leaves viz, C.L, E.L, HPL, Maternity Leave to the Apprentice Teachers appointed on stipendiary basis working in Municipalities and Municipal Corporations in the State on par with Government / Panchayat Raj Teachers – Orders - Issued.

In the reference 1st read above, the Director of State Audit has informed that the District Collector, YSR District, Kadapa stated that the Government have issued certain instructions/guidelines on sanction of leaves to the Apprentice Teachers during the apprentice period viz., Casual Leaves/Earned leaves, Half Pay Leaves, Maternity Leaves etc., on par with regular teachers working in the Municipal Schools and further stated that the Accounts Department in Kadapa Municipal Corporation have raised objections on sanction of leaves viz., Casual Leaves/Earned leaves, Half Pay Leaves, Maternity Leaves etc., to the teachers appointed as “Apprentice” on par with regular teachers working in the Municipal Corporation Schools and the G.O.Ms.No.134, Education (Ser.V) Department are not directly applicable to Municipal Teachers working in the Municipal Councils and Corporations in the State. The Director of State Audit, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad has therefore, requested to extend the applicability of the said G.Os to the Municipal Teachers in the state so as to enable them to receive benefits on par with apprentice teachers working in Government/PRI Schools.
2.In the reference 2nd read above, the Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration has stated that as per the Government Orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.40, Education, dt:11.5.2006, have directed that the teachers appointed on stipendiary basis are permitted to avail leaves like casual leave, special causal leaves, Earned Leave, HPL, Maternity leave etc., as ordered in GO.Ms.No.134, Edn, dt:10.6.1996 the teachers working in Municipalities are also recruited through District Selection Committee on par with recruited in Government/Zilla Parishad / Mandal Praja Parisad and hence the teachers working in Municipalities / Municipal Corporations would also come under the purview of the orders issued by the Government in G.O.Ms.No.40 Education (Ser.V) Department, dt:11.5.2006 and requested the Government to issue necessary orders to extend the benefits in G.O.Ms.40, Education dt:11.5.2006.
3.Government after careful examination of the matter hereby extended the benefit regarding sanction of leaves viz., CL, EL,HPL, Maternity Leave etc, issued in G.O.Ms.No.40 Edn, dt:11.5.2006 read with G.O.Ms.No.134, Education, dt:10.6.1996 to the apprentice Teachers appointed on stipendiary basic working in Municipalities