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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Calculate Your Entitlement Points in Transfers

Teachers Transfers | Telangana Teachers Transfers | Promotions | Teachers Promotions in Telangana | Transfers Entitlement Points | Know your Transfers Entitlement Points in Transfers 

  1. Click here to Download Entitlement Points Calculater by Putta Srinivas Reddy

Entitlement Points:
I. Common points :

Entitlement points shall be awarded to the Head

Master Gr.II (Gazetted)/ Teacher who applies for

Transfer in the following manner:

a) For service in the present
School, basing on its

location, as per the following scale, as on 1st July

of the current year:-

Service in category IV areas: Five (5) points for

every year of service and 0.416 for every month.

Service in Category III areas: Three (3) points for

every year of service and 0.25 for every

completed month.

Service in the Category II areas: Two (2) points

for every year of service and 0.16 for every

completed month.

Service in the Category I areas: One (1) point for

every year of service
and 0.083 for every

completed month.

Note 1:- The Habitations / Towns shall be classified into the following categories namely:-
i.Category – I: All Habitations / Towns where 20% and above HRA is admissible.
ii.Category –II: All Habitations / Towns where 14.5% HRA is admissible.
iii.Category –III: All Habitations / Towns where 12% HRA is admissible.
iv.Category-IV: All Habitations / Towns where 12 % HRA is admissible , and which do not have connectivity through an all weather road as per the norms of the Panchayath Raj ( Engineering) Department.
Note 2 : The District Collector shall publish the list of habitations in the district which do not have connectivity through all weather road as per the norms of Panchayath Raj ( Engineering ) Department in consultation with the Superintendent Engineer, P.R. of the district for this purpose, and the same shall be final.
(b)For the Service rendered0.041 point for every
one month of the completed service in the total service in all categories as on 1st July of the current year.
III.Rationalization Points:
(a)For the Teachers who are affected by rationalization process they are eligible for 10 points extra over and above already secured. The Teachers who have completed (8) years service are not eligible for 10 points extra over and above already secured.
(b)The Teachers who were transferred during counseling 2013 and could not be relieved for want of substitute shall be relieved forthwith
if posts exist after rationalization. If post does not exist after rationalization, he/she shall participate in transfer counseling and is entitled for (5) additional points.
IV. In case the entitlement points of two or more applicants are equal, the inter-se seniority shall be determined as below.