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Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Navodaya Vidyalaya Class VI Syllabus 2019-20 JNVST Exam Pattern and Model Question Papers

Navodaya Vidyalaya Class VI Syllabus 2019-20 JNVST Exam Pattern and Model Question Papers

Navodaya Vidyalaya Class VI Syllabus 2019-20 Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Class VI Entrance Exam Syllabus 2019 Download the Syllabus of JNVST Class 6 Exam 2019 Check Navodaya Vidyalaya Exam Pattern 2019 JNVST Class 6th Admission Test Subjects - Navodaya Vidyalaya Class 6 Exam  Syllabus, Books | Navodaya Entrance Exam/Test Syllabus, Instructions, Model Papers | JNVST Exam Pattern  Syllabus and model papers | jnvst-jawahar-navodaya-vidyalaya-samithi-entrance-test-exam-jnvs-6th-class-entrance-test-selection-test-nvshq-org-prospectus-online-application-form-syllabus-exam-pattern-model-question-papers-hall-tickets-results-selection-list-download.html

Navodaya Vidyalaya Class VI Syllabus 2019

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti is going to Conduct the JNVST 2018 to Take admission in Class VI in 661 Jawahar Navodaya Schools in India. Admissions in JNVs are made through the JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA SELECTION TEST (JNVST) at Class VI. The Application Form is Submitted for the Admission from Till 25th November 2017.

Navodaya Vidyalaya Class VI Syllabus 2019-20 JNVST Exam Pattern and Model Question Papers Navodaya Vidyalaya Class VI Syllabus 2019-20 Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Class VI Entrance Exam Syllabus 2019 Download the Syllabus of JNVST Class 6 Exam 2019 Check Navodaya Vidyalaya Exam Pattern 2019 JNVST Class 6th Admission Test Subjects - Navodaya Vidyalaya Class 6 Exam Syllabus, Books | Navodaya Entrance Exam/Test Syllabus, Instructions, Model Papers | JNVST Exam Pattern Syllabus and model papers | jnvst-jawahar-navodaya-vidyalaya-samithi-entrance-test-exam-jnvs-6th-class-entrance-test-selection-test-nvshq-org-prospectus-online-application-form-syllabus-exam-pattern-model-question-papers-hall-tickets-results-selection-list-download.html/2018/10/jnvst-navodaya-vidyalaya-class-vi-syllabus-exam-pattern-model-question-papers-download.html
Navodaya Vidyalaya Class VI Syllabus 2019-20 JNVST Exam Pattern and Model Question Papers

Navodaya Vidyalaya Class VI Syllabus 2019-20 JNVST Exam Pattern

About Exam :

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Will Conduct the Entrance Exam for taking the Admission in Class 6th. The Exam will be Written Type and will be Conducted on 06th April 2019.

Exam Pattern : The Exam Pattern is as Follows:

  1. The Exam will be Objective Type.
  2. The Exam will be of 100 Marks/ Questions.
  3. The Time Duration for the Exam Will be 02 Hours.
  4. No negative marking will be done.

Type Of TestNo. Of QuestionsMarksDuration
Mental ability Test405060 Minutes
Arithmetic Test202530 Minutes
Language Test202530 Minutes
Total801002 Hours

Exam Syllabus : The Navodaya Vidyalaya Class VI Syllabus is as Follows:

Mental ability Test : This is a non – verbal test. Questions are based on figures and diagrams only. Questions are meant to assess general mental functioning of the candidates. The section is divided into ten paras having 5 questions each.





PART – VI { Geometrical Figure Completion (Triangle, Square, Circle) }





Arithmetic Test :- The main purpose of this test is to measure candidate’s basic competencies in Arithmetic. All the Twenty-five questions of this test will be based on the following 15 topics:-

  1. Number and numeric system.
  2. Four fundamental operations on whole number.
  3. Fractional number and four fundamental operations on them.
  4. Factors and multiple including their properties.
  5. LCM and HCF of numbers.
  6. Decimals and fundamental operations on them.
  7. Conversion of fracti ons to decimals and vice – versa.
  8. Applications of number in measure length, mass, capacity, time, money etc
  9. Distance, time and speed.
  10. Approximation of expressions.
  11. Simplification of Numerical Expressions,
  12. Percentage and its applications.
  13. Profit and loss.
  14. Simple interest.
  15. Perimeter, area and volume

In order to provide some guidance to the candidates on the types of questions that are expected in Arithmetic lest, some examples are given below-

Example – 1 (Test of Understanding) : What is the prime factorization of 1000?

A factorization of a number is said to be a prime factorization if (i) the product of the factors (taking a factor as many times as it occurs) is equal to the given number, and (ii) each fac tor is a prime number. Here only serial number 4 satisfies both the requirements. As such, serial number 4 is the correct answer.

Language Test : The main purpose of this test is to assess reading comprehension of the candidates. The test consists of three passages. Each passage is followed by 5 questions. Candidates shall read each passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. In addition, there will be 10 questions to test grammar and writing skills of candidates.

Given below is a specimen passage and the questions that follow the passage.


Forests are useful to us in many ways. They provide us with timber to build houses and make furniture. Forests also provide us with wood for fuel and making paper. They provide shelter for birds, wild animals and insects. Forests bring rainfall. Existence of forests is very important for the preservation of the ecosystem. The fact that we have to care for an ecosystem is indisputably established. Wise use of the environment and its re sources are essential for man’s continued survival.

1. To Preserve The Ecosystem, Existence Of……………Is Essential.
Human Beings
2. Opposite Of Preservation’ Is……………
3. Which One Of The Following Is Not A Synonym Of ‘Wise’?
4. Carpenters Depend On Forests Because They Provide……………
Wood For Fuel
Wood For Making Paper
Timber To Make Furniture
Houses For Animals
5. Wild Animals Will Become Homeless If……………
Paper Mills Are Destroyed
Houses Are Built
Forests Are Destroyed
Ecosystem Is Taken Care Of
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Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Class VI Entrance Exam Model Question Papers

Navodaya Vidyalaya VI Entrance Exam More Information

Navodaya Vidyalaya Entrance Test Notification
Navodaya Vidyalaya Entrance Test Online Applivation Form
Navodaya Vidyalaya Entrance Test- How to Apply Online
Navodaya Vidyalaya Entrance Test- Syllabus and Exam Pattern
Navodaya Vidyalaya Entrance Test- Model Question Papers
Navodaya Vidyalaya Entrance Test- Hall Tickets Download

Navodaya Vidyalaya Entrance Test- Results