TSPSC Recruitment Notification for Principals,Lecturers, Physical Directors and Librarians in Degree colleges in REIS
Telangana Public Service commission released Recruitment Notificaiton for 30 Principals,546 Degree Lecturers,21 Physical Directors,21 Librarians | This is the golden opportunity for all the qualified and eligible women to get the Government Job with respective qualifications required that are given in the notification| Eligible and intended candidates can apply for these posts through Online mode in the official website | TSPSC is inviting Online Applications from qualified candidates to the posts of Principals,Lecturers, Physical Directors and Librarians in Degree colleges in REIS in Telangana| Vacancies,Eligibility Criteria Syllabus for Preliminary and Main Exams | Scheme of Examination forPrincipals,Lecturers, Physical Directors and Librarians in Degree colleges in REIS | Date of Examination fee payment details, How to apply online for the post ofPrincipals,Lecturers, Physical Directors and Librarians Posts notification by TSPSC | TSPSC Principals,Lecturers, Physical Directors and Librarians Posts Recruitment Hall Tickets| TSPSC Principals,Lecturers, Physical Directors and Librarians Posts Recruitment Results| TSPSC Principals,Lecturers, Physical Directors and Librarians Posts Recruitment Exam Answer Key ,Final Key | TSPSCPrincipals,Lecturers, Physical Directors and Librarians Posts Recruitment Preliminary exam Date | TSPSCPrincipals,Lecturers, Physical Directors and Librarians Posts Recruitment Main Exam date | TSPSCPrincipals,Lecturers, Physical Directors and Librarians Posts Recruitment exam Pattern and many more details are available on Commissions web portal @ www.tspsc.gov.in | tspsc-principals-lecturers-PDs-Librarians-Degree-colleges-REIS-recruitment-notification-apply-online-hall-tickets-results-download-www.tspsc.gov.inClick here to Download Final Key of Staff Nurse and Librarian Posts of TS REIS TSPSC Recruitment Notification
Read | TSPSC Recruitment Notifications for 2437 Posts on the Occassion of TS Formation Day
Read | How to Apply Online for TSPSC Recruitment Notifications 2017
TSPSC Recruitment Notification 2017 for Principals,Lecturers, Physical Directors and Librarians in Degree colleges in REIS
Government has released Recruitment Notification for various posts like Principals, Degree Lecturers, PDs and Librarians in REIS Degree Colleges in Telangana State
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TSPSC Recruitment Notification for Principals,Lecturers, Physical Directors and Librarians in Degree colleges in REIS |
Important Details of Principal Posts in Degree Colleges
Important Datesi. Submission of applications from Dt. 06/06/2017
ii. Last date for submission of applications Dt. 24/06/2017
Number of Vacancies : 30
Scale of Pay: 49,870-1,00770/-
Educational Qualifications:
i. Must possess a Masters Degree with 555 and above or its equivalent Degree or Graduate of B in the 7 point scale with letter grades O,A,B,C,D,E and F obtained from the Universiteies recognized in India
ii. Must possess Ph.D or equivalent qualification
iii. Knowledge of Computer Applications
Experience: A regular Principal in Government / Aided / Residential Educational Degree Colleges.
ii) 5 years as regular Lecturer in Government / Aided Colleges / Residential Educational Degree Colleges.
iii) 5 years as regular Principal in Government / Aided Colleges / Residential Junior Colleges
iv) 10 years as regular Junior Lecturer in Government / Aided Colleges / Residential Junior Colleges.
Scheme Of Examination and Syllabus: Kindly go through Annexure III in the Notification
Important Details of Lecturers Posts in Degree Colleges
Important dates
i. Submission of ONLINE applications from Dt. 06/06/2017
ii. Last date for submission of ONLINE applications Dt. 24/06/2017iii. Hall Tickets can be downloaded 07 days before commencement of Examination.
iv. The question paper of Preliminary (Screening Test) will be supplied in English version only. The question paper of Main examination will be supplied in English version only except languages.
Number of Vacancies : 546
Scale of Pay: 40,270-93,780/-
Eductional Qualifications:
Good academic record in Post Graduation in the relevant subject (as shown in Annexure-A) with A minimum of 55% marks of an equivalent Grade of B in the 7 point scale with letter Grades O,A,B,C,D,E and F obtained from the Universities recognized in India.
ii) Should have passed National Eligibility Test (NET) for lecturers conducted by UGC/CSIR or similar Test accredited by the UGC or SLET conducted by PSC/ Universities of the State.
iii) If a candidate possesses Ph.D., or equivalent is exempted from passing National Eligibility Test (NET) for lecturers conducted by UGC/CSIR or similar Test accredited by the UGC or SLET conducted by the PSC/ Universities of the State.
Scheme Of Examination and Syllabus: Kindly go through Annexure III in the Notification
Important Details of Physical Director Posts in Degree Colleges
Important Dates:
i. Submission of ONLINE applications from Dt. 06/06/2017
ii. Last date for submission of ONLINE applications Dt. _24/06/2017
iii. Hall Tickets can be downloaded 07 days before commencement of
iv. The question paper of Preliminary (Screening Test) and the question paper of
Main examination will be supplied in English version only.
ii. Last date for submission of ONLINE applications Dt. _24/06/2017
iii. Hall Tickets can be downloaded 07 days before commencement of
iv. The question paper of Preliminary (Screening Test) and the question paper of
Main examination will be supplied in English version only.
The Preliminary (Screening Test) is likely to be held on Dt. 16/07/2017
and the Main Examination (Objective Type) is likely to be held on 12 OR
13/08/2017. The Commission reserves the right to conduct the
based Examination of objective type.
Number of Vacancies :21
Scale of Pay: 40,270-93,780/-
Educational Qualifications:
Academic record in Master of Physical Education with a minimum of 55%
marks of an equivalent Grade of B in the 7 point scale with letter
grades O,A,B,C,D,E and F obtained from the Universities recognized in
India.ii) Should have passed National Eligibility Test (NET) for Lecturers conducted by UGC /CSIR, or similar tests accredited by the UGC or SLET conducted by PSC / Universities of the State.
iii) If a candidate possesses Ph.D. or equivalent is exempted from passing National Eligibility Test
(NET) for Lecturers conducted by UGC / CSIR, or similar tests accredited by the UGC or SLET
conducted by PSC / Universities of the State
Scheme Of Examination and Syllabus: Kindly go through Annexure III in the Notification
Important Details of Librarian Posts in Degree Colleges
Important Dates
i Submission of ONLINE applications from Dt. 06/06/2017ii. Last date for submission of ONLINE applications Dt. 24/06/2017
iii. Hall Tickets can be downloaded 07 days before commencement of
iv. The question paper of Preliminary (Screening Test) and Main examination will
be supplied in English version only.
v. The Preliminary (Screening Test) is likely to be held on Dt.16/07/2017 and the
Main Examination (Objective Type) is likely to be held on 12 OR 13/08/2017. The
Commission reserves the right to conduct the Examination either COMPUTER
objective type.
Number of Vacancies :21
Scale of Pay: 40,270-93,780/-
i) Good Academic Record with Master’s degree in Library Science with minimum of 55% marks or an equivalent grade of B in the 7 point scale with letter grade O,A,B,C,D,E & F or equivalent degree
obtained from the Universities recognized in India.
ii) Should have passed National Eligibility Test (NET) for Lecturers conducted by UGC / CSIR, or similar tests accredited by the UGC or SLET conducted by PSC / Universities of the State.
iii) If a candidate possesses Ph.D., or equivalent is exempted from passing National Eligibility Test (NET) for Lecturers conducted by UGC /CSIR, or similar tests accredited by the UGC or SLET conducted by PSC / Universities of the State
Scheme of Examination and Syllabus: Kindly go through Annexure III in the Notification
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Degree College Lecturers in Residential Degree Colleges(Women) Recruitment Notification2017
Principal Degree Colleges in Residential Degree colleges(Women) Recruitment Notification2017
Librarian Degree College(Women) in Residential Educational Institution Societies Recruitment Notification 2017
Physical Director (Degree College) in Residential Educational Ins Institutions Societies(Women)
Apply Online for Lectures In Degree Colleges REIS
Apply Online for Principals In Degree Colleges REIS
Apply Online for PDs In Degree Colleges REIS
Apply Online for Librarians In Degree Colleges REIS