ANGRAU Agriculture Polytechnic Admission Notification 2024
Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University Admission Notification for AGRI POLYCET 2024 | Acharya N G Ranga Agricultural University Polytechnic Admission Notification 2024 | AGRI Polytecnic admission notification 2024 | AGNGRAU Agricultural Polytecnic Admissions into Agricultural Polytecnic 2 years, Seed Technology 2 years and Agricultural Engeneering 3 years | Diploma in Organic Farming : 2 Years | AGNGRAU Polytechnic Admission 2024| angrau-agricultural-polytecnic-admission-notification-2024-into-agricultural-polytechnic-seed-technology-agricultural-engineering-application-download
AGRI POLYCET is a Polytechnic common entrance test conducted by Acharya N.G
Ranga Agricultural University, Guntur for admission into Diploma programs offered in constituent and private Polytechnics affiliated to Acharya N G Ranga Agricultural University (ANGRAU), Guntur, Dr YSR Horticultural University (Dr YSR H U), Venkataramanna gudem, Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University (SVVU), Tirupati and Andhra Pradesh Fisheries University (APFU), Vijayawada.
Every candidate desirous of seeking admission into various Diploma course offered by ANGRAU, Guntur, Dr YSR HU, Venkataramanna gudem, SVVU, Tirupati and APFU, Vijayawada can apply online for AGRI POLYCET-2024. No separate application is prescribed for appearing entrance test for admission in to above Universities. The filled in application for AGRI POLYCET-2024 itself is an application for all the above four Universities.
The above Universities have established Polytechnics in various places in the State of Andhra Pradesh and also accorded affiliation to a few Private Polytechnics to boost the agriculture and allied sector and to create to the needs of technically trained manpower
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Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University (ANGRAU) offers the following Four Diploma Programmes (ANNEXURE-I)
1. Diploma in Agriculture : 2 Years
2. Diploma in Seed Technology : 2 Years
3. Diploma in Organic Farming : 2 Years
4. Diploma in Agricultural Engineering : 3 Years
What is the Academic Qualification:
i) Candidates who wish to seek admission into above Diploma Courses should have appeared and qualified in AGRI POLYCET-2024 conducted by ANGRAU, Lam, Guntur.
ii) Candidate should have passed SSC Examination conducted by Board of Secondary Education, A.P./T.S. or any other examination recognized as equivalent thereto by the Board of Secondary Education, A.P./T.S such as Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Indian Council for Secondary Education (ICSE), National Institute of Open School (NIOS), A.P, Open School Society (APOSS), Telangana Open School Society (TOSS).
iii) Candidates who appeared SSC or equivalent examination held in March 2024, and whose results are yet to be declared can also appear for AGRI POLYCET- 2024.
iv) Candidates who have passed SSC in compartmental and who have either discontinued or failed in intermediate are also eligible to apply for AGRIPOLYCET -2024.
v) Candidate who have passed intermediate or pursuing higher studies are not eligible to apply
What is the Age Limit:
Candidates for admission into Diploma courses in the above Universities shall be required to have completed 15 years of age as on the year of admission (as on 31-08-2024) with an upper age limit of 22 years (Born between 31.08.2002 and 31.08.2009).
What is the Online Examination Fees:
Application and Counseling Fee:
1. Online application and counseling fee for candidates belong to SC/ST and differently abled (PH) category is Rs.400/- and for all other candidates Rs.800/-.
2. The applicant has to select Rupay Debit Card/UPI/Debit Card /Credit Card (Visa / Master Card)/Internet Banking option to pay the fee and follow the online instruction to complete payment of fee.
3. Processing charges of payment gateway as applicable are chargeable from the candidate (in addition to exam fee) only.
4. Once payment made, it cannot be refunded under any circumstances, hence applicant should go through the information bulletin carefully regarding eligibility criteria before proceeding to the payment.
1. Commencement of filing of applications online : 01.06.2024 (saturday)
2. Last date for filing of online application form : 20-06-2024 (Thursday)
3 First phase of online counseling : To be Announced
4 Second phase of online counseling : To be Announced
5 Mop-up manual counseling : Will be Announced later through website
How to apply for AGRI POLYCET – 2024
AGRI POLYCET - 2022 Prospectus & Online application is available in or URL.
Fill the Application form as per the guidelines provided in the user manual available on the web page
Application Procedure:
1. Candidates should fill the online application carefully and check details such as local area/ municipal/ non municipal area, reservation/ special categories etc. and submit the application online.
2. It is the sole responsibility of the candidate to ensure that he/she fulfills the specified eligibility before applying/ filling application form.
3. No corrections will be permitted once the application form is submitted.
4. Please note that University/ Colleges will NOT be held responsible for denial of admission to non-eligible candidates.
5. Multiple application forms submitted by a candidate will not be accepted and will lead to the cancellation of his/her seat.
6. Government decided to link the scholarship applications with the Aadhar number for affecting the cash transaction scheme. For this every student must furnish the Aadhar number vide Government memo No. 16035/Sw.Edn.2/2012-4 dt. 29.12.2012.
7. The admissions into polytechnics for the academic year 2023- 24 shall be made on the basis of Web Counseling. Where in candidates can opt for any course at any polytechnic in the order of priority and the allotment shall be made for his/her best preferred choice based on his/her merit and other admission rules in vogue.
8. Candidates have to prepare set of preferable colleges – course combinations
(Web options) they wish to join in consultation with their parents, teachers and friends and after thorough enquiry about the polytechnics in different districts.
The order of options is to be entered by the candidate carefully. A print out
of the options entered shall be kept as record for reference.
9. Candidates should download the allotment order and report at the allotted college within the prescribed time.
10 Candidate who fails to turn up at the allotted college with in the stipulated time and not paying the prescribed fee will have no claim on admission into diploma programmes offered by ANGRAU.
11. The selection of candidates belonging to SC/ ST/BC/CAP/PH/ NCC/
Sports is subject to clearance to be given by the respective departments during the counseling.
12. Registrar, ANGRAU is not responsible for the delay in clearance in respect of doubtful Caste/ CAP/PH/ NCC/ Sports cases.
13. Any disputes concerned to admissions if any, shall be within the jurisdiction
of the Hon’ble A.P. High court.
Seat cancellation:
1. If the admitted candidate cancels his/her seat before the closure of admissions for the Academic Year 2023-24 an amount of Rs. 1,000/- (Rupees one thousand only) shall be collected as processing fee. The remaining fees already paid during admission shall be refunded.
2. If the admitted candidate cancels his/her seat after closure of admissions process for the AY 2024-25, the candidate should pay Rs.3500 (Rupees Three
thousand and five hundred only) towards seat cancellation fee and the candidate has to forgo the fee already paid.
3. After completion/closing of admission process, request for change of
diploma course/ polytechnic is not permissible under any circumstances.
Fee structure (For academic year, 2024-25) :
1. ANGRAU is intended to impart education to students, undertake research and
extension activities. Hence, University does not guarantee any employment to the students who complete the diploma courses.
2. ANGRAU reserves the right to modify or cancel the notification without any prior notice.
3. Candidates are required to read the information bulletin thoroughly before applying.
4. The guidelines issued by the Government of Andhra Pradesh from time to time shall be followed scrupulously including the reservations for EWS.
5. The University shall send SMS to the applicant’s registered mobile or mail ID’s for the purposes related to counseling. Hence, the candidates are informed to mention their personal mobile numbers and mail Ids but not the mobile numbers or mail IDs of relatives, friends, net/online/mee seva/Xerox centers etc. Once submitted, the mobile number or mail ID cannot be changed.
6. Once payment is made, it cannot be refunded under any circumstances, hence, the candidates should ensure that he/she fulfils the specified eligibility criteria before payment for submitting the online application for counseling.
7. Applicants should exercise web options through online at specified dates for choosing their preferences with respect to Diploma programmes and Polytechnics. SMS alert shall be sent to registered mobile number for this purpose.
8. Candidates are informed that mere submission of an online application and attending for counseling does not guarantee seat allotment.
9. Candidates called for Manual/Special/mop up counseling will have to attend at their own cost only. Either Parent/ Guardian of the candidate shall be allowed for Manual/ Special/ Mop up counseling.
10. The candidate who secures a seat should submit the all the certificates in
Original along with the prescribed fees at the time of admission either through online counseling or at the time of Manual/ Special/ Mop up counseling.
11. The certificates of the candidates under special categories (PH, CAP, NCC & SPORTS) shall be verified by the authorities concerned. The University will not interfere in the process of preparation of priority/merit lists. The University allots seats to the candidates based on the priorities indicated by the competent authorities.
12. The Counseling/Verification under special categories (PH, CAP, NCC & SPORTS) will be held in the presence of authorities concerned and seats will be allotted as per the priorities indicated by the officers concerned.
13. In case, the information furnished or the certificates uploaded by the candidates are found to be false, the University will take appropriate action against the individuals concerned and his/her application will be summarily rejected.
14. Information related to counseling procedure shall be displayed on the University website ( No separate paper notifications shall be issued further and hence applicants are advised to visit the website regularly for updated and latest information about counseling.
15. Student can approach Help line number given below on all working days only from 10.00 AM to 5.00 PM only.
Polytechnic section: 8008104977
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Details of AGNGRAU Agricultural Polytecnic Admission Notification 2017(Expired)
Courses Offered by AGNGRAU:
1. Agricultural Polytecnic 2 years
2. Seed Technology 2 years
3. Agricultural Engineering 3 years
Eligibility :
The students who have passed SSC or equivalent exam and those who are residing in rural areas are eligible. The student must have studied at least 4 years during the period of first to tenth class schools located in rural areas. The candidates should obtain 55 percent marks excluding Hindi or 5.0 GPA. In case of SCs and STs the candidates should obtain at least 45 % of marks or 4.0 ,5.0 GPA. Medium of instructions for all the Polytechnic course is Telugu.
Age Limit:
The candidates for admission to first year polytechnic courses in the University shall be required to have completed 15 years of age as on 31st August, 2017 of the year of admission with an upper
age limit of 22 years
Also Read | AGRICET-2017 Notification Download Application Form
age limit of 22 years
Also Read | AGRICET-2017 Notification Download Application Form
Selection Process:
Selection Process through on the basis of SSC GPA average value. Admission will be made on the basis of performance in their qualification.
How to Apply:
Interested candidates can apply for the admission on prescribed format along with a demand draft of
*Rs 400/- only for General Candidates * Rs 200/- incase of SC, ST and PHC candidates drawn on a nationalized bank in favour of Comptroller, AGNGRAU ,Rajendranagar, Hyd 500 030. Candidates can download application form fromOfficial Website.
The filled in application form should be sent to the following address with required documents.
N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Administrative Office, Rajendranagar, Hyd 500 030.
Last Date for submission of Applications is 17-06-2017
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Andhra Pradesh Agriculture Polytechnic Common Entrance Test AGRI Polycet results have been released today that is on 08-07-2022 . The candidates who has appeared for the examination would be able to check and dwonload their result from the official website of Acharya N G Ranga Agricultural University.
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