Telangana TS DEECET Notification 2024
TELANGANA STATE DEECET – 2024 :Candidates can apply for D.El.Ed. (Diploma in Elementary Education) and D.P.S.E. (Diploma in Pre-School Education) through DEECET-2024 through computer basedtest (online mode) for admission into two year course in Govt. DIETs / Private unaided Elementary Teacher Education Institutions (including Minority and NonMinority) in the State of Telangana for the Batch 2024-25. For further details, the candidates are requested to visit . The information bulletin can be downloaded from 07.06.2024 onwards and online applications can be submitted from 08.06.2024 to 30.06.2024.
What is DEECET?
DEECET Means Diploma in Elementary Education Common Entrance Test/Elementary Teacher Training Institutes Common Entrance Test. DEd Course is 2 Years: Candidates should remember that as per NCTE norms DEd course duration is a 2-year course. TS DEECET Seats: In Telangana state approximately 14000 D.Ed seats are available.
What are the Courses offered through TS DIETCET?
D.Ed Course: Diploma in Elementary course (D.El.Ed) in all DIETs
DPSE Course: Diploma in Pre School Education (DPSE) in Medak DIET only and Candidates should remember that they can apply for this DPSE course separately through online mode only
How many Number of Seats are Alloted for TS DEECET?
What are the Courses offered through TS DIETCET?
D.Ed Course: Diploma in Elementary course (D.El.Ed) in all DIETs
DPSE Course: Diploma in Pre School Education (DPSE) in Medak DIET only and Candidates should remember that they can apply for this DPSE course separately through online mode only
How many Number of Seats are Alloted for TS DEECET?
Telugu Medium Seats: 10 DIET Colleges= 10X50= 500 seats
English Medium Seats: 10 DIET Colleges= 10X50= 500 seats
Urdu Medium Seats: 8 Urdu DIET Colleges = 40/50X8=400 Seats
Private Colleges D.Ed Seats to be announced soon
Telangana TS DEECET Notification 2024
Applications are invited from eligible candidates who intend to take admission into two years Diploma in Elementary Education (D.EL.Ed) in Government District Institutes of Education & Training (DIETs) and Private Elementary Teacher Training Institutions in the state. Telangana State Diploma in Elementary Education Common Entrance Test (TSDEECET 2020) to be conducted by Department of School Education, Government of Telangana Online applications are appearing .
English Medium Seats: 10 DIET Colleges= 10X50= 500 seats
Urdu Medium Seats: 8 Urdu DIET Colleges = 40/50X8=400 Seats
Private Colleges D.Ed Seats to be announced soon
Telangana TS DEECET Notification 2024
Applications are invited from eligible candidates who intend to take admission into two years Diploma in Elementary Education (D.EL.Ed) in Government District Institutes of Education & Training (DIETs) and Private Elementary Teacher Training Institutions in the state. Telangana State Diploma in Elementary Education Common Entrance Test (TSDEECET 2020) to be conducted by Department of School Education, Government of Telangana Online applications are appearing .
Also Read :
Steps to be followed in submission of application ‘ONLINE’.
i. The candidates shall first download the ‘Information Bulletin’ free of cost from the TSDEECET website, go through it carefully and satisfy their eligibility for appearing for TSDEECET, 2024.
ii. The candidate after satisfying herself/himself about the eligibility criteria for TSDEECET shall pay a fee of Rs.500/- through payment gateway service provided on from 08.06.2024 to 30.06.2024. The candidate has to give the required preliminary data (i.e. Name of the candidate, Date of birth, Gender, andmobile phone number) at the Payment Gateway. On receipt of fee the candidate shall be issued a ‘REFERENCE ID’ with which she/he can proceedwith submission of application online. Issue of Payment Reference ID does not mean that the candidate has completed submission of application online. It is only a confirmation of the fee received.
iii. The candidates shall follow the procedure for submission of online application as given in the ‘Information Bulletin’ and user guide and instructions provided online while filling up the online application form. The Candidate should be ready with photograph of size less than 50 kb and the signature of the candidate shall be less than 30 kb.’
a) Paste the photograph on a white paper and sign below and also ensure that the signature is within the box. Scan the required size containing the photograph and signature. Please do not scan the complete page. The entire image consisting of photo along with signature is required to be scanned and stored in *.jpeg format on local machine. Ensure that the size of the scanned image is not more than 50kb. If the size of the image is more than 50 kb, then adjust the settings of the scanner such as dpi resolutions, number of colours during the process of scanning.
b) Applications with no photo / unclear photo / inadequate size photograph will be rejected. Hall – Ticket will not be issued to such candidates. Hence, after pressing the ‘UPLOAD’ button check if the photo is of required size, clear and is of the same candidate of whom the details are to be filled in the application. If the photo is smaller in size, not clear or does not belong to the candidate press ‘BACK’ button below the photograph on the application form and restart with scanning of the photograph.
c) Complaints relating to mismatch of photograph and candidate details will
For latest updates, please check at TS DEECET - 2024 website not be accepted after submission of application at any cost.
What is the Schedule Of Examination:
The TS DEECET shall be conducted ‘ONLINE’ in all the erstwhile 10 districts, on the dates to be notified shortly.
What is the Eligibility Criteria for admission:
A. Candidate should be of Indian Nationality.
B. The candidates should satisfy the Local / Non Local status requirements as laid down in the Telangana Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission) Order, 1974 as amended from time to time.
C. Candidates should have secured a rank in TS DEECET- 2024 and should satisfy the educational qualifications as shown at 5 (D) below for allotment of Seats in Government DIETs and Category ‘A’ and ‘B’ seats in Private Elementary Teacher Education Institutions. For obtaining a rank, candidate belonging to “OC” and “BC” Communities shall secure 35% marks in TS DEECET. For Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes there shall be no minimum qualifying marks for allotment of seats reserved under the respective categories. That is to say, candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Communities should secure 35% of marks for consideration against seats under OC/ NCC / Defense Personnel or their children and spouses / Sports category.
What are the Educational Qualifications:
For all seats in all Government DIETs and Private Un-aided Elementary Teacher Education Institutions:
a. The candidate should have passed or appeared for the Intermediate Examination (Qualifying Exam) or its equivalent as decided by the TS DEECET Committee for appearing at the TS DEECET 2024. However, she / he should have passed the qualifying examination by the time of admission.
b. The candidates should have secured 50% of marks in aggregate in the Qualifying Examination for appearing at the TS DEECET 2024. The minimum percentage of marks in the case of scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and Physically Challenged candidates shall however be 45%.
What is the Age Limit :
Candidates should have completed 17 years of age as on 1st September of the year of admission. There shall be no upper age limit for admission into D.El.Ed /D.P.S.E.
What is the Method of admission:
The General guidelines for admission of thee candidates into D.El.Ed / D.P.S.E programme shall be as follows:
(1) TS DEECET is a Common Entrance Test for admission into both D.El.Ed and D.P.S.E Programmes.
(2) D.EI.Ed is offered in three media i .e. Telugu, English and Urdu. The candidates opting for any particular medium (Telugu /English / Urdu) shall exercise their option in the online application for appearing for TS DEECET 2024 in that particular Medium Only.
(3) D.P.S.E. Programme is offered only in English Medium. Therefore, candidates appearing for TS DEECET 2023 in English Medium will only have option to seek admission in D.P.S.E. along with D.EI.Ed.,
(4) The admissions into all Government DIETs and Category ‘A” seats of the Private Unaided Teacher Education Institutions shall be made through a Single Window System in the order of merit on the basis of medium-wise rank assigned in TS DEECET 2024 and to the extent of sanctioned seats through Web Based Admission Service provided by the Convener TS DEECET 2024 or Convener TS DEECET AC 2024 as the case may be.
(5) All the seats in Private Un-aided Non-Minority /Private Un-aided Minority Institutions offering D.El.Ed Programme shall be filled as follows:
(a) All the Category A seats shall be filled by admitting the candidates as allotted by the Convener TS DEECET 2024 in case of Private Un-aided Non-Minority institutions and in case of Private Un-aided Minority Institutions by the Convener of TS DEECET 2024 / TS DEECET-AC 2024 depending upon the option exercised by the Institutions and as per the Rules applicable as laid down in Rule 6 and Rule 7 of G.O.Ms.No.10, School Education (Prog.II) Department, Dt.12.04.2017 and G.O.Ms.No.8, School Education (Prog.II) Department, Dt.28.03.2018 .
(b) All the Category ‘B’ seats shall be filled by the respective Institutions with the eligible candidates as given at 5 above. Admissions under Category ‘B’ shall be done duly following the procedure laid down in Rule 6 (V) of G.O.Ms.No.10, School Education (Prog.II) Department, Dt.12.04.2017 and G.O.Ms.No.8, School Education (Prog.II) Department, Dt.28.03.2018 .
(c) The Admission of the candidate made in Private Un-aided Non-Minority / Private Un-aided Minority (Under Single Window 1 and 2) Elementary Teacher Education Institutions under Category ‘B’ shall be subject to approval by the Convener TSDEECET 2024.
What is the Scheme of TS DEECET 2024:
The test paper shall be of objective type in three Parts as shown below with 100 questions and with each question carrying 1 mark.
What are the Test Centers of TSDEECET 2024:
The TSDEECET 2024 shall be conducted ‘ONLINE’ in the 10 erstwhile districts on the dates to be notified shortly. Candidates may give the preferential order of the centers.
However, allotment of centers shall be the discretion of the department and request for change of test centers or sessions is not allowed under any circumstances.
How to Download Hall Tickets:
Candidates may download their Hall Tickets online from from the dates to be notified on the website. Candidates may keep viewing the website for information on dates of download of Hall Tickets. In case any candidate cannot download the Hall ticket during the dates notified for download of Hall Tickets, she/he should contact the help line by giving the details of the Journal Number of the fee paid and the reference ID number of the application submitted.
What is the Fee:
The fee towards submission of application online and for appearing at the TSDEECET 2024 online is Rs.500/-. Candidates shall pay the fee through the Payment Gateway provided on 08.06.2024 to 30.06.2024 and submit online application at the TSDEECET - 2024 website from 08.06.2024 to 30.08.2024
What is the Procedure For Applying Online:
i. The candidates shall first download the ‘Information Bulletin’ free of cost from the website go through it carefully and satisfy their eligibility for appearing for DEECET, 2024.
ii. The candidate after satisfying herself/himself about the eligibility criteria for DEECET, 2024 shall pay a fee of Rs.500/- through TSONLINE betwee 08.06.2024 to 30.06.2024 midnight for submission of application Online. At the DEECET website Centers, the candidate has to give the required preliminary data (i.e. Name of the candidate, Date of birth, Gender and mobile phone number). On receipt of fee at DEECET, 2024 website the candidate shall be issued a ‘Payment Reference ID’ with which she/he can proceed with submission of application online. Issue of Payment ReferenceID does not mean that the candidate has completed submission of application online. It is only a confirmation of the fee received.
iii. The candidates shall follow the procedure of submission of online application as given in the ‘Information Bulletin’ and also as per the instructions provided online while filling up the online application form. The Candidate should be ready with photograph of size upto 50kb and candidate signature upto 30kb before filling in on-line application.’
What is the Proceedure Issue of Rank Card:
The marks along with rank of the candidates will be hosted medium wise on the web-site on the date to be notified later. The detailed procedure of conduct of online test of TS DEECET 2024 shall be hosted on the website http://deecet.cdse, telangana.qov in shortly
1 Issue of DEECET 2024 Notification : 06.06.2024
2 Receipt of Online applications : 08.06.2024 to 30.06.2024.
3 Issue of Hall tickets from : 03.07.2024
4 Date of DEECET 2023 Examination : 10.07.2024
5, Announcement of results :16.07.2024
6. Verification of Certificates: 19.07.2024 to 23.07.2024
7. Web options: 24.07.2024 to 27.07.2024
8. Allotment of seats / Colleges to Candidates: 31.07.2024
9. Payment of Tution Fees by the candidates: 01.08.2024 to 04.08.2024
10. First day of instruction : 06.08.2024
Click Here to Download
TS DEECET Notification 2024
Information Bulletin
User Guide
Online Application
Oficial Website
Telangana TS DEECET 2022 Notification -Schedule for TS DIETCET & DPSE Course Admissions Online Application
TS DEECET 2022 Notification -TS DIETCET Apply Online @
TS DEECET/ DIETCET 2022 schedule released on its official website for D.El.Ed Course and DPSE Course Admissions. For the academic year 2022-2023 Government of Telangana State has given permission to the DSE Telangana to conduct the TS DEECET 2022The School Education Departmenthas released the Telangana DEECET 2022 in this month MAy 2022. Therefore For the admission into 2 (Two years) D.Ed (DEld) Courses and DPSE (Diploma in Pre School Education ) in District Institutes of Education and Training (DIET) and Private D.Ed Colleges through Common Entrance Test (DEECET) 2022. The interested and eligible candidates may apply for TS DEECET 2022/ TS DIETCET & DPSE Course Admissions Online
Director of School Education in Telangana will release DIETCET Notification in April 2022. Willing candidates can check the TS DEECET 2022 Notification details such as What is TS DEECET, Courses offered at DEECET , Govt. DIETS, TS-DEECET 2022 Schedule, Important dates TS DEECET 2022 TS DIETCET & DPSE Course Online Application Form, How to Apply, TS DEECET Website, Online Applying Procedure, Telangana D.Ed Colleges List, DEld Course Details, Entrance Exam Pattern, , Telangana DEECET Web portal details are provided here. Online Application Process, Eligibility, Important dates. Interested applicants can apply for the Telangana D.Ed (TTC) exam on Online Application Mode. Candidates must submit the Telangana DEITCET Online Applications on or before the last date . The DEECET Notification is for District Institutes of Education and Training (DIET) and Private D.Ed Colleges. Aspirants who are eagerly waiting to join in Diploma Education course in Telangana Institutes may apply for this Telangana DIETCET 2020 Exam. One can apply through Online on or before the Last Date Online applications available from 09-05-2022 to 30-06-2022 at the official website.
Applicants can also get the TS Online DEECET Applications here. Candidates can go through the following details such as Online Application Process, Eligibility, Important dates @ & get complete TS DEECET Exam details.Applicants can also get the TS Online DEECET Online Applications orTelangana D.Ed (TTC) Exam Online Application at its Official Webportal
What is DEECET?
DEECET Means Diploma in Elementary Education Common Entrance Test/Elementary Teacher Training Institutes Common Entrance Test. DEd Course is 2 Years: Candidates should remember that as per NCTE norms DEd course duration is a 2-year course. TS DEECET Seats: In Telangana state approximately 14000 D.Ed seats are available.
What are the Courses offered through TS DIETCET?
D.Ed Course: Diploma in Elementary course (D.El.Ed) in all DIETs
DPSE Course: Diploma in Pre School Education (DPSE) in Medak DIET only and Candidates should remember that they can apply for this DPSE course separately through online mode only
How many Number of Seats are Alloted for TS DEECET?
What are the Courses offered through TS DIETCET?
D.Ed Course: Diploma in Elementary course (D.El.Ed) in all DIETs
DPSE Course: Diploma in Pre School Education (DPSE) in Medak DIET only and Candidates should remember that they can apply for this DPSE course separately through online mode only
How many Number of Seats are Alloted for TS DEECET?
Telugu Medium Seats: 10 DIET Colleges= 10X50= 500 seats
English Medium Seats: 10 DIET Colleges= 10X50= 500 seats
Urdu Medium Seats: 8 Urdu DIET Colleges = 40/50X8=400 Seats
Private Colleges D.Ed Seats to be announced soon
Applications are invited from eligible candidates who intend to take admission into two years Diploma in Elementary Education (D.EL.Ed) in Government District Institutes of Education & Training (DIETs) and Private Elementary Teacher Training Institutions in the state. Telangana State Diploma in Elementary Education Common Entrance Test (TSDEECET 2020) to be conducted by Department of School Education, Government of Telangana Online applications are appearing .
English Medium Seats: 10 DIET Colleges= 10X50= 500 seats
Urdu Medium Seats: 8 Urdu DIET Colleges = 40/50X8=400 Seats
Private Colleges D.Ed Seats to be announced soon
Applications are invited from eligible candidates who intend to take admission into two years Diploma in Elementary Education (D.EL.Ed) in Government District Institutes of Education & Training (DIETs) and Private Elementary Teacher Training Institutions in the state. Telangana State Diploma in Elementary Education Common Entrance Test (TSDEECET 2020) to be conducted by Department of School Education, Government of Telangana Online applications are appearing .
Eligibility Criteria for Telangana DIETCET 2022
- The Candidates applying for TS DEECET 2022 Exam should satisfy the below DIETCET eligibility criteria such as educational qualification and Age limit.
- The eligibility details given on our website is based on the Eligibility criteria according to the TS DEECET 2022 Notification.
What is the Age Limit for TSDEECET 2022?
The candidates should have completed 17 years as on 01-09-2022. There is no upper age limit.
What are the Educational Qualifications Required for TS DEECET/ DIETCET 2022?The candidates who have passed 10+2 or its equivalent are eligible to appear for the entrance test. But they should have passed the qualifying examination by the time of admission.
The candidate should have secured 50 per cent of marks in aggregate in qualifying examination. The minimum percentage of marks in the case of Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Physically Challenged candidates shall have 45 per cent of Marks (SC, ST and PHC).
The candidates who passed Intermediate examination with a vocational course(s) are not eligible.
APOSS / TOSS inter Candidates are Eligible for DEECET 2020, but they should have 50% marks in Inter for OC and BCs and 45% marks in inter for SC, ST and PHC Candidates as per Govt. Orders.
How to pay TS DEECET Fee and how to submit Online Application ?
The fee prescribed for appearing for DEECET (including examination fee) is Rs. 500/-. Candidates can pay the fee through AP Online / e-Seva centres or through Payment Gateway and submit the online application at the TS DEECET official website as per the TS DEECET schedule.
What are the Qualifying marks in Entrance Test?
Candidates belonging to “OC” and “BC” communities shall secure at least 35 per cent marks in DEECET for assigning merit rank in the CET. However, there shall be no minimum qualifying marks in respect of SC/ST candidates for allotment of seats reserved under the respective categories.
What is the Application Procedure for Telangana DEECET Exam?
Applicants need to satisfy the minimum eligibility criteria for TS DIETCET 2021 such as qualification, age limit, etc. Eligible candidates can apply for Telangana Deecet Exam 2020 before the closing date. We have provided here the simple steps for the candidates to download and submit the online application form.What are the Steps to apply for TS D.Ed Entrance Exam?
- Go to the official site.
- Search for the related tab on the home page.
- Download the application form.
- Fill all the fields with your credentials.
- Upload the scanned photo and signature.
- Submit the application form.
- Keep with you the hard copy of the form to download the hall ticket.
TS DEECET Online Application Form 2022
- Candidates need to “Information Bulletin” from the official website. Applicants should fill the application form through online mode only to get D.Ed admissions.
- Contenders can apply before the last date to avoid last minute Rush.
- At last, take the print out of the application form for future use.
What are the Important Dates of TS DEECET 2022?
- Issue of Detailed Notification : 09-05-2022
- Online Application Starts on : 09-05-2022
- Online Application Ends on : 30-06-2022
- The download of Hall Tickets :
- Date of TS DEECET Examination : 23.07.2022
- Declaration of Results :
- Verification of Certificates :
- Web options Allotment of Seats :
- TS DEECET 2021 Web Portal:
How TSDEECET/ DIETCET 2022 Entrance Exam Conducted?
TSDEECET 2021 shall be conducted ‘ONLINE’ mode i.e., Computer Based Test Mode. Detailed procedure shall be hosted on the TSDEECET website shortly.
What is TS DEECET Syllabus?
The subject and syllabi of the test shall be of the standard of Classes VIII to X of TS State Syllabus for Part-II and Part III of the test.The medium of Entrance Test: Question paper shall be in Telugu/English or Urdu/English and Tamil/English only.
What is the Date and Timings of Entrance test?
DEECET will be conducted as per given schedule in all the Districts of the State. The test will be conducted on May 22 by Three sessions. Convener, DEECET-2022, Office of the Commissioner and Director of School Education, Telangana State, Hyderabad:: The Candidates who are appearing for DEECET 2022 Online Test for admission into two years D.EI.Ed. course for the Batch of 2020-2021 are informed that the Online Test will be held on 23.07.2022 in three sessions as follows. The Hall Tickets can be downloaded from the web site of and Practice Test is also available for the students in the TSDEECET website.
What is the Examination Timing?
Session I: 9.00 AM to 11.00 AM Candidates have to report to the examination centre one hour before the scheduled time of the session they are allotted Session II: 12.30 PM to 2.30 PM Session III: 4.00 PM to 6.00 PM
What are the Examination Centers for Entrance Test?
DEECET shall be conducted in all the Districts of the State. Candidate can choose any District of his choice for the examination centre. However, when the capacity of any particular District gets exhausted that particular District will not be displayed in the list of examination centres given in the online application form. In such a case, the candidate has to choose another District of his/her choice from the remaining list available for the examination centre.
The last date for online submission of TS DEECET is 30-06-2022 for Telangana D.Ed Course Admissions 2022-2024 and this year Entrance exam to be conducted through Online mode
The last date for online submission of TS DEECET is 30-06-2022 for Telangana D.Ed Course Admissions 2022-2024 and this year Entrance exam to be conducted through Online mode
What are the Stages in TS DEECET Admission Process?
The details pertaining to the Structure and content of the test, Syllabus, Pass Criteria, Rule of Reservation and allotment of seat are given in the DEECET Information Bulletin will be released soon by the DSE officials. Every candidate should read the DEECET guidelines carefully to know more information.
*DEE CET: à°‡ంà°Ÿà°°్ తర్à°µాà°¤ ఉపాà°§్à°¯ాà°¯ à°¶ిà°•్à°·à°£ à°¡ీఈడీ à°ª్à°°à°µేశపరీà°•్à°·*
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*à°®ోà°¡à°²్ à°Ÿెà°¸్à°Ÿ్à°²ు à°°ాà°¸్à°¤ూ, తప్à°ªులను సరిà°¦ిà°¦్à°¦ుà°•ుంà°Ÿూ, à°Žà°ª్పటిà°•à°ª్à°ªుà°¡ు à°¸ాధనను à°®ెà°°ుà°—ుపరుà°šుà°•ోà°µాà°²ి.*
*à°ª్à°°à°µేశపరీà°•్à°·à°²ో à°®ంà°šి à°°్à°¯ాంà°•ు à°¸ాà°§ిà°¸్à°¤ేà°¨ే à°¡ీఈడీà°²ో à°¸ీà°Ÿు à°¸ంà°ªాà°¦ించగలమనే à°µిà°·à°¯ాà°¨్à°¨ి à°—ుà°°్à°¤ుంà°šుà°•ుà°¨ి సన్నద్ధత à°•ొనసాà°—ింà°šాà°²ి.*
*à°Ÿీà°Žà°¸్ à°¡ీఈఈ à°¸ెà°Ÿ్ దరఖాà°¸్à°¤ుà°•ు ఆఖరు à°¤ేà°¦ీ: 30.6.2022*
*పరీà°•్à°· à°¤ేà°¦ీ: 23-7-2022*
TS DEECET 2021 Notification
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