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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

TS Vidya Volunteers Qualifications and Selection Procedure

Telangana Vidya Volunteers Qualifications and Selection Procedure 
Telangana VVs Qualifications Selection Procedure Online Application Form Eligibility Criteria is given in this page. The Candidates have to apply at DSC official portal ie A  Proceeding has been issued by DSE on 15.02.2021 on engaging of vidya volunteers for the academic year 2021-22 saying that all the District Educational 
Officers in the state are informed that every year Governent in sanctioning Vidya Volunteers to be engaged on payment of Honorarium of Rs 12,000/- per month per head against 
retirement, leave and vacancies arised due to other reasons. Government have also permitted to engage sanctioned vidya volunteers to all the local/govt PS< UPS in other than 
Telugu and English Mediem Primary and Upper Primary schools to impart Telugu.

Telangana VVs Recruitment Process TS VVs Selection Guidelines Telangana VVs Recruitment VVs Selection details. As per the Annexure of GO.Rt 97 the guidelines for engaging vidya volunteers in Telangana State were released . Thes VVs Selection process will be followed until any changes are made in this selection method. Guidelines for engaging 11428 VVs in Telangana Schools for 2017-18 .Eligibility for appointment as vidya volunteers in Telangana State. GO NO 82 Appointment of 11428 Vidya Volunteers Posts Guidelines issued Guidelines to Appoint 11428 Vidya Volunteers-Apply Online Process-Selection Procedure School Education – Engaging the services of ( 11428) Vidya Volunteers through School Management Committees (SMCs) with an Honorarium of Rs.12000/- per month in the Academic Year 2017-18 - Permission Accorded – Orders – Issued.
Telangana VVs Recruitment Process TS VVs Selection Guidelines


  1. Vidya Volunteers services are purely temporary and can be terminated  based on justifiable grounds,  by the School  Management Committees (SMCs).
  2.        The services of Vidya Volunteers shall be engaged to ensure regular functioning of the Schools .
  3.        Candidates should have completed 18 years of age and upper age limit is 44 years as on 1st July, 2016.  (5) years relaxation is given in case of SCs / STs /BCs and (10) years for  Physical Challenged persons.
  4.        Unit of roster  is a District. As per the sanctioned number of Vidya Volunteers for the Acadenuc Year 2016-17, the District Educational Officer (DEO) shall allot roster points first to the Mandal  by arranging the Mandals  in English alphabetical order. Later,  in the Mandal he will arrange  habitations in English alphabetical Order.  Example is given below:-
Name of the District
No. of Habitations
No. Vidya Volunteers Allotted
Roster Point
(    )Acchampet

(    )Amrabad
A   Habitation(    )
B   Habitation(    )
A   Habitation(    )
B   Habitation(    )
1 to 4
5 to 7
8 to 10
11 & 12

5.    The DEO shall communicate the list of Schools along with roster points to the  Mandal Educational Officers concerned  for engaging the Vidya Volunteers.  The Mandal Educational Officers in turn shall display the details on the  Notice Boards of the Mandal Resource Centers, Primary Schools ,Upper Primary Schools, High Schools and all  Gram Panchayats in the Mandal.  The District Educational Officer shall give a Press Note stating that the eligible Candidates shall apply  online and display the details  on his website.
6.    The  Candidates  shall apply online and submit a signed print out of the application he/she uploaded along with the Certificates required to the Mandal Educational Officer of the Mandal to which  he/she applied within the time specified.  The Mandal Educational Officer  shall cause verification of the applications with reference to the  Certificates enclosed and submit the same to the District Educational Officer  duly countersigned.   

Documents Should be Produced

Copies of the SSC, Intermediate, Graduation, Post Graduation ,D.Ed., B.Ed., TET , Pandit Training, Oriental Title/ Bhasha Praveena/ Vidhwan along with Marks Memo.
Local Candidate Certificate or Study Certificate  issued by the Tahasildar .
Caste Certificate issued by the Tahasildar ( Local Tribe Certificate in case of Agency area) .
Physically Challenged Certificate ( SADAREM ).
Engaging of Vidya Volunteers in Agency area shall be from local ST Candidates only. If local ST Candidates are not available,  then other ST Candidates from Agency Area and later non-ST candidates residing in the Agency area shall be considered .
The following are the Educational Qualifications required  for engaging Vidya Volunteers
For Primary Schools(Classes I to V)
Intermediate with  D.Ed.  In case of non availability of Candidates with D.Ed,  B.Ed Candidates may be considered.
For Upper Primary & Secondary Schools(Classes VI to X):
Graduation with B.Ed.
For Languages in Upper Primary & Secondary Schools(Classes VI to X):
Graduation in the language concerned as optional and Pandit Training or  B.Ed., in the relevant methodology.
Post Graduation in the language concerned with Pandit Training/ B.Ed. with relevant methodology.
Oriental Title/ Bhasha Praveena/ Vidhwan  in the Language concerned or its equivalent with Pandit Training/B.Ed in the relevant methodology.
The following weightage shall be given to the eligible Candidates who have applied to work as  Vidya Volunteer:- 
For Primary level
Intermediate 30%  weightage on total marks secured
D.Ed. 30%  weightage on total marks secured
Study in English Medium (EM) 10 % weightage on total marks secured at two levels (X and Intermediate) (5% for study in E/M at one level)
Teacher Eligibility Test Paper I 20 % weightage on total marks secured
Graduation  10 % weightage on total marks secured
For Upper Primary Secondary level
Graduation/Oriental Title  30% weightage on total marks secured
B.Ed./Pandit Training 30% weightage on total marks secured
Study in English Medium (EM)    -- 10% weightage on total marks secured at  two levels  (X and Intermediate) (5% for study in E/M at one level)
Teacher Eligibility Test Paper II   - 20 % weightage on total marks secured
Post Graduation  in the relevant   - 10 % weightage on total marks secured
If weightages of two or more Candidates are equal, qualification and then age shall be taken into consideration for arriving at the order of Candidates in the merit list.
Mandal is the unit for engaging  of Vidya Volunteers  basing on the roster points allotted to the Mandal.  Merit lists shall be generated for each Mandal.  As far as possible, Candidates belonging to the same Mandal shall be engaged as Vidya Volunteer.  If qualified Candidate is not available for a particular roster point in the Mandal, Candidates from the other roster points may be taken from the same Mandal. For Example  If no ST (W) Candidate is available in the Mandal, ST (General) may be  considered . If no ST candidate is available in the Mandal, SC (W) may be considered . If no SC (W) Candidate is available in the Mandal , SC (G) may be considered . If no SC candidate  is available in the Mandal,  following sequence shall be followed BC-A (W), BC-A (G), BC-B(W), BC-B(G), BC-C(W), BC-C (G),BC-D(W), BC-D (G), BC-E(W),      BC-E(G) , OC(W), OC(G). In case of non-availability of candidates for Ex.Servicemen quota/ PHC quota in the Mandal,  Candidates from Open Completion list may be considered. 

The Candidates  shall be identified to be engaged as Vidya Volunteers based on the following preferences

  1.          Natives  of the village shall be given first preference.
  2.          Candidates from adjacent village in the same Mandal shall be given 2nd preference.
  3.         If the Candidates are not available in that particular village/ adjacent village, then the candidates from General Merit List of the Mandal shall be considered basing on the merit duly taking options from the Candidates.
  4.         If Candidates are not available in the Mandal, same category of Candidates from neighbouring  Mandals (having common borders) may be considered based on merit.
  5.         The selected Vidya Volunteers shall given an undertaking to the  SMCs that they shall stay in the Headquarters