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Friday, November 6, 2015

TS DSC 2016/Teacher Recruitment Test(TRT) 2016

TS DSC 2016/Teacher Recruitment Test(TRT) 2016

TS DSC 2016 Notification/Teacher Recruitment Test(TRT) 2016: After a long waiting we are noticing that the DSC notification will be released very soon. This is good news for unemployment youth/ youth, who are looking forward for teacher jobs. These teacher jobs were postponed from last one year. Finally Telangana State government takes decision in favor of unemployment youth. At last government has taken a decision to  announce the DSC notification in the month of March/April, 2016. Finally Telangana govt has given green signal for to fill up teachers posts. As a result nearly 10.961 teacher jobs going to fill up next year. After a bifurcation of AP first time released T government first DSC notification.

TS DSC,TRT,Teacher Recruitment Test

In next year TS DSC-2016 almost around 10,961 posts going to fill up by TS Education department for that ordinance has been ready. After successful Teachers Transfers and Rationalisation program, the department is going to announce DSC in next year.Necessary action has been taken by DSE Telangana in order to release TS DSC 2016 notification.

TS DSC 2016/Teacher Recruitment Test(TRT) 2016 Notification will be issued by the  The Director of School Education in the month of March or April 2016 and TS DSC 2016 Examination will be conducted by the District Selection Committee (DSC), DSE Telangana.  DSC/TRT 2016 Examination  for recruitment to the posts of School Assistants(S.A), Secondary Grade Teachers(S.G.T), Language Pandit Teachers (L.P.T), Physical Education Teachers (P.E.T) in Government,  Zilla Parishad,  Mandal Parishad Schools and Schools Under the control of the Tribal Welfare Department and Muncipalities in the Telangana State through District Selection Committee. The Director of School Education, Telangana will invite the online applications from the eligible candidates for recruitment teacher posts in various departments.

Age Limit: The Applicants must have completed the minimum age of 18 years and must not have completed the maximum age of 39 years as on 1st July. However, in case of BC / SC /ST the maximum age limit is 44 years and in case of Physically Challenged 49 years.

Qualifications: Post-wise qualifications are given in the Information Bulletin.

Written Test: The applicant should take the test only in the district in which he seeks recruitment.

How to Apply:
The Applicants have to pay a fee of Rs.250/- towards application processing and Teachers Recruitment Test for each post through TS/APOnline or Mee-Seva centers. The step by step procedure for submission of application through online will be provided in this website(TeachersBadi.In). The post, community and medium wise vacancies in each district will be available after announcement of notification.

Important dates(Tentative Schedule):
1. Payment of fees at TS/APOnline or Meee-Seva : March/April 15, 2016  to 30, 2016
2. Online submission of application through Website : March/April 16, 2016 to 01.05.2016         
3. Download Tickets:   March/April 28, 2016
4. Primary Key will be released: 15.05.2016
5. Receiving of Complaints: 16.05.2016 to 20.05.2016
6. Final Key will be released: 23.05.2016
7. Results will be released: 04.06.2016                                             
8. Conduct of DSC/TRT 2016 written test dates
a) School Assistants : 09.05.2016
b) Secondary Grade Teachers : 10.05.2016
c) Language Pandits and Special Schools : 11.05.2016

Teacher Posts Vacancies for TS DSC 2016 NotificationTS DSC 2016/Teacher Recruitment Test(TRT) 2016